May-December Mail Order Brides Relationships


Is a large age difference acceptable to the mail order brides who are much younger than me?

So-called May-December relationships, in which the man is much older than the woman, can provide benefits for both parties involved. The older man benefits by having a more physically attractive woman of child-bearing age, and the much younger woman benefits by the older man’s experience, stability, and less chance of being an unfaithful husband. These are very important considerations for mail order brides.

The acceptable age gaps vary from country to country and from woman to woman, but we have found for example, that in Central America there is a large pool of very attractive 18 to 25-year-old mail order brides who are quite comfortable marrying a man in his 40s, 50s, or 60s. These women seem to feel that they’ll have a much better chance with a serious, long-term relationship with a much older man. Many women have already had the experience of a younger, less responsible, less stable, less faithful man and hope for a more serious relationship.

The client featured in the image was a 60-year-old man from Nevada who participated in one of our Personalized Dating Tours in Central America, with about a dozen beautiful mail order brides between the ages of 18 and 26 who were so attracted to this older man that they actually competed for his attention. He selected a beautiful 20-year-old woman which he later married in Reno, Nevada.

May-December relationships

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