Should men provide financial assistance for their mail order brides? This is entirely up to the individual man. But we strongly recommend that you carefully analyze any situation where a mail order bride would ask for financial assistance before you have personally met her. Men can use the courtship period to get to know a […]
Research does show that you are more likely to have a successful marriage if your spouse is from a culture different than your own. A study by a University of Texas sociologist indicated that inter-country marriages had a success rate of over eighty percent while the success rate of same country marriages in the United […]
The main advantage in looking for a mail order bride or foreign wife abroad is the ability for the average middle aged American or other Western man to attract a much more attractive woman than what would generally be available to him in his home country, with the possible exceptions being men who are rock […]
Beautiful Latin women want to meet American men for romance, love and marriage!
Beautiful foreign women are looking for love from across the world. What are you waiting for?