Mail order brides

The main advantage in looking for a mail order bride or foreign wife abroad is the ability for the average middle aged American or other Western man to attract a much more attractive woman than what would generally be available to him in his home country, with the possible exceptions being men who are rock stars, movie stars, or other celebrities. Dating women in mail order brides countries provides middle aged men the opportunity to select from younger, more physically attractive women, with more attractive characters/personalities than what would be available to them in the west.

Many of the mail order brides countries have poorer economies than the United States, Western Europe, and other Western countries. Many mail order brides view American and other Western men as being better husbands and more willing and able to support a family, which makes American men more attractive than these foreign women’s local male counterparts.

Depending on the particular mail order brides country, it’s not uncommon for an American man in his 50s or 60s to attract beautiful women in their early 20s or 30s. This phenomenon is almost exclusive to a mail order brides situation. Similar to how men are psychologically programmed to desire physically attractive women of childbearing age, women have been psychologically programmed through thousands of years of evolution, to be attracted to a man who is able to take care of her and any potential children that she may bear. Being an American man, able to take care of a woman, makes you instantly attractive to beautiful young mail order brides.



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